
Showing posts from 2017

Report on Theories for Peter

THE HYPODERMIC NEEDLE MODEL The hypodermic needle model was developed in the 1920's and the 1930's and it argues that the audience of a certain media product are always passive in the way that they perceive things. It states that ideas and themes are injected into people's minds. This means that the consumer would have no control at all over their response to the stimulus. Some examples of this would be the radio broadcast of War of the Worlds in 1938 or even Nazi Propaganda during WW2. The response that was created widely by the War of the Worlds broadcast and the propaganda alike was mass hysteria. The main drawback of this theory is that it assumes that no one has individual views or reactions. Which can be argued against a lot as obviously people develop their own thoughts and opinions. THE USES AND GRATIFICATIONS MODEL The uses and gratifications model is based on the idea that consumers of media are active and that their responses to media are completely

Elevator pitch

1st Idea - The West Kent Scoop Target demographic college students Informal feel - lighthearted Satirical humor throughout Segments are made primarily to be funny rather than informative The contents of the segments will all be related to college The theme song will be close to a real news show but will look slightly unprofessional - Comic Sans font to represent sarcasm Segments: upcoming student events, top 5 tracks, discounts, Tonbridge weather, and top 5 films Bright colour scheme  Interview with the Principal about the college and his job For the discount segment, the presenter will be overly enthusiastic about the deals The guests on the show will seem confused and unaware of what is going on to make it funnier as a whole Pitch Script My news show will be called The West Kent Scoop. It will be a more funny version of a news broadcast that is a lot more accesible and relatable for students. The show will be informative yet it will have a humourous undertone.


An audience is the people that can view your work. This can be through different forms of media like film, writing and even things like dance. An audience is very important as without one there would be no one to view and take in your work. Not only this but an audience means that there are people to critique and offer support in order for you to expand your career. Picking a specific audience or a target audience is also very important as it will mean that you are able to focus on what you truly want your work to be and in turn think about what it is that your specific audience wants. New technology has an impact on an audience because it means that they can be more interactive. This is because streaming applications such as Netflix have made viewing films and tv shows very accessible. People can watch shows whenever they want from their phones. Also, websites like Rotten Tomatoes have had an impact on audiences. This is because people are able to review different films and state th

Panel Show Ideas

MY IDEAS FOR THE SHOW  1st Idea - The West Kent Scoop Target demographic college students Informal feel - lighthearted Satirical humor throughout Segments are made primarily to be funny rather than informative The contents of the segments will all be related to college The theme song will be close to a real news show but will look slightly unprofessional - Comic Sans font to represent sarcasm Segments: upcoming student events, top 5 tracks, discounts, Tonbridge weather, and top 5 films Bright colour scheme  Interview with the Principal about the college and his job For the discount segment, the presenter will be overly enthusiastic about the deals The guests on the show will seem confused and unaware of what is going on to make it funnier as a whole 2nd Idea Serious and formal tone throughout  The studio lighting will be harsh to emphasise the seriousness of the broadcast  The information will be well researched and therefore true Formal outfits - suit and tie 

Jeremy Kyle Show

Image Studio The scene and show in general is set in a live studio with an audience present. The show is  filmed at Granada Studios,  Manchester .  The guests are able to sit on a sofa near to Jeremy in which he will ask them questions. Colour palette and tone   The colour palette and tone of the show is neutral. This is key because it is a show that need to seem relatable and personal. Clothes The guests arrive wearing their own choice in clothes. Jeremy Kyle has a stylist that picks him out clothes. He is always in a suit to make him look formal. The bodyguards also have outfits that they have to wear in order to look professional and as if they are serious about their jobs. Presenters performance  Jeremy's role as the presenter is to get information from the guests on the show by asking them questions. It is also his role to advise the guests and state his opinions on their situations. Hair and makeup     The guests

Creating an Interview

Notes Don't make eye contact with the camera Nod to show the interviewee that you are listening  Make sure you have a good background which suits the character of the person you are interviewing  180 Degree Rule 180 Degree Rule The two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another . When the camera passes over the invisible axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line and the shot becomes what is called a reverse angle. Framing When creating the frame you must ensure that you apply the rule of thirds. This means that the interviewee will stay in the golden spot of the cameras frame. There must be equal  space around the person.  Eyeline For an interview you should make sure to keep the camera at a level that is at the same point as the interviewees eyeline. If the camera is too high then the subject will look juvenile and insignificant. I fit is too high then the interviewee may come acro

White balance in video

White balance means colour balance. It allows the camera to access "true white" and the camera is then able to know what white looks like so it can record it accurately. Without it the colours may be displayed inaccurately. If the white balance is wrong then there will be tints of blue or yellow. Here are some examples: Correct colour balance Colour balance too blue Colour balance too yellow

Evaluating my foley replacement for the shower scene from Psycho

In class we have had to create an audio replacement using foley sounds we created ourselves for the film Psycho. To do so we watched the original scene very closely and made note of each of the sounds that needed tone created. On completion today was the day hat we had to sceen our scenes to the rest of the class. Our recreation of the scene went okay overall but ther were a lot more things we could have done to make it even better. This is mainly down to the fact that we had not done anything like this task before. However we were able to learn more about Premiere Pro and sound wok by foretaking this task. Our foley special effect audio clips were mainly very relistic. Some of the more realistic ones would have to be the stabbing sounds (created by using a knife and a cabbage) and The shower curtain sound (created by quickly swaying fabric). But others were somewhat worse than these and were not very realistic at all. An obvious example of this if you were to watch our scene, was

Carousel fashion


Psycho Shower Scene / Foley

Definition Foley  is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other  media  in post-production to enhance audio quality. ... The  term  " Foley " also  means  a place, such as  Foley -stage or  Foley -studio, where the  Foley  process takes place. Jack Donovan Foley was the developer of Foley. He developed a unique method of recording live sounds.  We had to create Foley sounds to insert over a silent version of the shower scene from Psycho using Premiere Pro. We made the sounds by using many different objects to recreate realistic sounds. For example, we used rice as the noise of running water and cabbage being chopped to replicate the noise of being stabbed. To plan these out we used cue sheets to note down the different sounds that happen within the scene with noise and the different timestamps. A cue sheet is very important in big productions to ensure a fluid finished product, but was not very relevant fit our task. We also had to

voice review thing

Gif Creating



Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: Critically compare a range of media 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer: Blog

Carousel Week 2

BIC Advert Task Today as a class, we had to create a one minute long advert for the BIC 4 colour pens. We had the whole of today's lessons available to  come up with ideas, pitch our ideas to the rest of the group, get our assigned roles and to shoot the live edit in our roles. My designated role was to create the graphic text that was to appear at the end of the advert. I also ended up recording the advert whilst the others did their own jobs. I used Photoshop to design the text image. Although it ended up better than I thought it would, if I were to do the task again I would like to make use of more of the features on Photoshop because this would allow me to develop my skills further.

First Week Carousel Evaluation

Carousel - Graphics Evidence as part go the carousel we were working with Alan Figg in graphic design. He taught us the basics of many different tools that people would use in that field. Photoshop: We were asked to find a large image of a tree off of the internet and a face. We had to find these to be able to photoshop them together as a creatively enhanced image.  I then cut around the picture of the face to eliminate the background of the image. If I did not do this then the picture would not fit nicely  onto the background in the stages to come. Then I changed the size and opacity. This meant that the face was able to blend into the background of the tree a lot more seamlessly. I also made sure to use the rubber tool to blur the edges around the mans head to only continue to make it look more realistic and effective. Illustrator: We used an image of someone to make a digitally animated version of their eye. We did this by using the pen tool to trace the

Review of first media assignment - Short Film

Short Film Review Last week we were assigned the task of filming and making a one minute film. The genre of this film had to be crime. We were put into groups randomly and were given a small camera. Then we set about actually filming what we needed to edit our film later on.Our group decided that we were going to make our film about a stalker/murderer.  Our filming group was split up when we got organized into 2 different classes. I was the only one of my Group B. This meant that when it came to editing our film Harley joined me to help me get it done which was a massive help. The software we used in order to edit our film was Adobe Premiere Pro. I had no experience with this prior to the task meaning that I had to try and get to know the basics of the application.   The outcome of our short film was a lot different than we had first anticipated. This is because we realized that if we were to make the film more interesting for the class to watch, we'd have to

Graphic Design - Carousel

                                                        Carousel - Graphics Today as part go the carousel we were working with Alan Figg in graphic design. He taught us the basics of many different tools that people would use in that field.  Photoshop F = fit the screen  Tab key = hides toolbar Hold spacebar = you can click and drag Command0 = fits the screen Cmd -/+ = zoom in and zoom out  Copy = Cmd C Paste = Cmd V Cmd T = change size of image Non destructive editing - means that you create layers to cover the image instead of altering it directly Using photoshop - double exposure task  We were asked to find a large image of a tree off of the internet and a face. We had to find these to be able to photoshop them together as a creatively enhanced image.  I then cut around the picture of the face to eliminate the background of the image. If I did not do this then the picture would not fit nicely  onto the background in the stages to come.