Evaluating my foley replacement for the shower scene from Psycho

In class we have had to create an audio replacement using foley sounds we created ourselves for the film Psycho. To do so we watched the original scene very closely and made note of each of the sounds that needed tone created. On completion today was the day hat we had to sceen our scenes to the rest of the class.

Our recreation of the scene went okay overall but ther were a lot more things we could have done to make it even better. This is mainly down to the fact that we had not done anything like this task before. However we were able to learn more about Premiere Pro and sound wok by foretaking this task.

Our foley special effect audio clips were mainly very relistic. Some of the more realistic ones would have to be the stabbing sounds (created by using a knife and a cabbage) and The shower curtain sound (created by quickly swaying fabric). But others were somewhat worse than these and were not very realistic at all. An obvious example of this if you were to watch our scene, was the screaming sound. This is because only one scream was recorded so we had to reuse it many times in a row which sounds quite odd. To solve this issue or something similar in the future I will make sure tht my group is able to record a lot of different screaming sounds to use so that it is a lot more realistic. Another thing that I would do differently in the future in regards of the foley sounds would be to change the settings on the audio recorder from automatic to manuel. This is because I would be able to turn up the sensitivity which would mean that there would be no background noise.

The editing process was very good but the part I found the most hard was matching up the sound with the right moment in the scene perfectly. Although there was actually some things that we wanted to add but didn't get round to doing like adding some music to add tension and suspense into our rendition. This would have added a lot ot our scene which was otherwise quite bland. We could have also got a better volume balence by really concentrarting on how loud and quiet certain sounds would be. To bring our scene to the next level we could have also added some reverb or another effect.

3 WWW's:

  • We were able to create a lot of accurate foley sounds
  • We added a lot of our audio into the scene 
  • Our syncing of the sounds were mostly there

2 EBI's:

  • We adjusted the volumes of the different sounds to a more realistic level
  • If we added reverb to intensify the sounds


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