Elevator pitch

1st Idea - The West Kent Scoop

  • Target demographic college students
  • Informal feel - lighthearted
  • Satirical humor throughout
  • Segments are made primarily to be funny rather than informative
  • The contents of the segments will all be related to college
  • The theme song will be close to a real news show but will look slightly unprofessional - Comic Sans font to represent sarcasm
  • Segments: upcoming student events, top 5 tracks, discounts, Tonbridge weather, and top 5 films
  • Bright colour scheme 
  • Interview with the Principal about the college and his job
  • For the discount segment, the presenter will be overly enthusiastic about the deals
  • The guests on the show will seem confused and unaware of what is going on to make it funnier as a whole
Pitch Script

My news show will be called The West Kent Scoop. It will be a more funny version of a news broadcast that is a lot more accesible and relatable for students. The show will be informative yet it will have a humourous undertone. Hopefully this feature will make the show a lot better for an audience to view. There will be many different segments within the broadcast. One of these will be discounts around and in college. The presenter will be poking fun at the different offers and saying that they are bad. The show will also include interviews with people around the college including the principal. The main reporter/presenter will interview him abut his role and job in a sarcastic manner.


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