Task 3B - Media Texts Comparison

Comparing the film 'Get Out' to my film 'The Game'

The characters in my film are not very similar to those in Get Out. This is because my characters are teenagers and are generally pretty relatable for the target demographic. In contrast to this, the characters from Get Out are intense and mysterious which creates a completely different feel. Rosie is shown to be very manipulative though which can be related to that of the person that blackmails people in my film. Chris from the film Get Out does, in fact, have similar motivations as the group of friends from my film. This is because he is determined to defeat the villains within the narrative and so are the friends. They would do anything in order to restore the peace. Rosie from Get Out would be the villain from Propp's character theory whereas Chris is the hero and also the 'princess'. Rod though (Chris' friend) would fit the role of the hero even more as he is the one that actually saves his best friend from the Armitage Estate at the end. In my group's film, the group of friends are less like Vladimir Propp's hero character type as they do not actually ever fully resolve the things that happen to them. Although the anonymous source that sends the group messages completely fits the role of the villain.

The narratives of the two different films are quite different on many levels. Although there are some attributes that are similar for example, both of the storylines rely heavily on a character that manipulates others. Rosie and the Armitage's manipulate Chris and other coloured people into becoming slaves for them in the film Get Out. The anonymous blackmailer in my film manipulates the best friends into doing tasks for them in order to get what they want in the end. Get Out follows the conventions of Todorov's narrative structure. This is because it contains all five of the stages. These are the equilibrium,  a disruption, a realisation, restored order and then there is a new equilibrium. At the start of the film, a couple (Chris and Rosie) seem to be very happy together this is the equilibrium. The disruption soon follows when Chris meets Rosie's parents as the audience realises that the family is unstable. Next, the realisation strikes when Chris realises what is going on and what the Armitage's motives are. The restored order is when Rod comes to help and save Chris. The new equilibrium at the end is that Chris is safe again and living his life freely. Get Out does not follow the Hero's Journey structure. This is because the protagonists do not really go on a journey as of such. There is no obvious supernatural aid, mentor or transformation. My film does not follow Todorov's narrative structure as the order is not restored for the good and there is not a good new equilibrium at the end. Although it does follow the other three stages prior to these. It also does not contain the conventions of the Hero's Journey for the same reasons as Get Out. The length of my film may be a reason that my production does not follow either of these theories as I was not able to have as much of a storyline as an average feature film.

The conflict that is in my film stems from texts from the person that is sending the anonymous text messages to the friends. Whereas in Get Out the conflict stems from what the Armitage family are doing to the black people (making them become slaves) and therefore what they want to do to Chris. In The Game (my film) there is not a binary opposition that causes this conflict. There is, in fact, a clear binary opposition in Get Out. This is the binary opposition of black and white people. This is key to the storyline as it means that there is a narrative that is relevant as racism still goes on in a lot of different situations and places.

The main characters in both my film and Get Out are portrayed very differently. I think this is mainly down to the fact that the main characters in my film are more juvenile than those in Get Out. Also, my characters are meant to feel a lot more relatable and usual than that of a big budget Hollywood movie. My protagonists wear casual clothing as they are attending college which is similar to the style that the protagonists wear in Get Out. Although again because of the age difference the types of casual differs a lot. The friends from The Game speak to each other in a manner that is very casual as they are young and are very close. The protagonists from Get Out talk in a slightly more sophisticated manner.

The message of my film is not the same as Get Out. Get Out's key message for the audience is to highlight the topic of racism that is still very prevalent. Especially in America where the film is set as there have been many cases of racism with authority figures like the police. Although I think there is this message shown I believe that the use of this film is to entertain an audience. In comparison, my group's film does not really have a deeper meaning or message that is embedded. Although, a sub message that can be taken away from The Game is that you should not let someone manipulate you to get what they want on any level even if it's nowhere near as extreme as in the film. My film is also created with the intention to entertain an audience rather than to inform people about something. The ideas that have been encoded into Get Out are that the white family in the film feel threatened and maybe even inferior to their black victims in the movie. This would be the reason why they pick on them compared to any other ethnicity. I have used similar techniques in my film as people will be able to form their own thoughts and opinions on the narrative of my film. One assumption that the passive audience could consume from my film is a guess about who the anonymous text message sender is.


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