Panel Show Ideas


1st Idea - The West Kent Scoop
  • Target demographic college students
  • Informal feel - lighthearted
  • Satirical humor throughout
  • Segments are made primarily to be funny rather than informative
  • The contents of the segments will all be related to college
  • The theme song will be close to a real news show but will look slightly unprofessional - Comic Sans font to represent sarcasm
  • Segments: upcoming student events, top 5 tracks, discounts, Tonbridge weather, and top 5 films
  • Bright colour scheme 
  • Interview with the Principal about the college and his job
  • For the discount segment, the presenter will be overly enthusiastic about the deals
  • The guests on the show will seem confused and unaware of what is going on to make it funnier as a whole
2nd Idea
  • Serious and formal tone throughout 
  • The studio lighting will be harsh to emphasise the seriousness of the broadcast 
  • The information will be well researched and therefore true
  • Formal outfits - suit and tie 
  • The opening title will have a serious colour scheme (dark purple and navy)

3rd Idea
  • The main news broadcaster at the studio will be  overly awkward and oblivious 
  • The show is made to have an awkward feel so that there is a humorous outcome
  • The outfits will be badly put together on purpose
  • bright colours and animated music 
  • Interviews with random college students about random topics


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