
An audience is the people that can view your work. This can be through different forms of media like film, writing and even things like dance. An audience is very important as without one there would be no one to view and take in your work. Not only this but an audience means that there are people to critique and offer support in order for you to expand your career. Picking a specific audience or a target audience is also very important as it will mean that you are able to focus on what you truly want your work to be and in turn think about what it is that your specific audience wants.

New technology has an impact on an audience because it means that they can be more interactive. This is because streaming applications such as Netflix have made viewing films and tv shows very accessible. People can watch shows whenever they want from their phones. Also, websites like Rotten Tomatoes have had an impact on audiences. This is because people are able to review different films and state their personal opinions. Meaning that if something gets a lot of bad reviews the audience will probably not be too large as not many people will want to go to see the film after looking at the reviews online.

There are different types of audience. One is a mass audience. This simply means that the product is made to target a varied array of types of people. For example shows like Friends and Top Gear. Another type of audience is a niche audience. This audience type is a smaller and more select group of people which have a unique interest. For example, Supervet for people with an interest in animal wellbeing.


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