Jeremy Kyle Show


The scene and show in general is set in a live studio with an audience present. The show is filmed at Granada Studios, Manchester. The guests are able to sit on a sofa near to Jeremy in which he will ask them questions.

Colour palette and tone  

The colour palette and tone of the show is neutral. This is key because it is a show that need to seem relatable and personal.


The guests arrive wearing their own choice in clothes. Jeremy Kyle has a stylist that picks him out clothes. He is always in a suit to make him look formal. The bodyguards also have outfits that they have to wear in order to look professional and as if they are serious about their jobs.

Presenters performance 

Jeremy's role as the presenter is to get information from the guests on the show by asking them questions. It is also his role to advise the guests and state his opinions on their situations.

Hair and makeup

    The guests do their own makeup on the show. But Jeremy gets his hair and makeup done by professionals before every show.                                        

Camera shot types

The shot changes from a wide shot of both Jeremy and the guests to close ups of either Jeremy, the guests or the audience. There are also cameras backstage in case the guests walk backstage so that that they can get the footage they need.

Camera positioning

 The main camera is positioned in front of where the audience is sitting facing the sofas and the set. The cameras are set down unless the guests go back stage. In this case Camera men have cameras that are not set down. They follow what is going on as it happens.

Camera framing 

The camera framing is always zoomed in on individual peoples faces in order to capture their reactions or on a wider shot.

Depth of field 

The Jeremy Kyle show normally has a fairly deep depth of field. This is apparent when it shows the wide shots. This is very useful for the show as it means that they can get a lot into the shot at one given time.


The editing of the show is generally very subtle. This is important to the show because it needs to seem as raw as possible because of what it is. The pace of the editing is quick as it needs to look and seem flawless. The transitions are also very quick and smooth in order to be non-apparent if you are just sitting watching the show. Although if you were really looking to see where there has been edits you can see. The editing is very continuous. The shot duration is normally quite long as the reactions and what the guests say does not need to be edited.


The theme tune of the Jeremy Kyle Show is funky. They then play this again when guests come on if there is a very fuelled story or if there is a sad story they play a piano version of this.


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