Graphic Design - Carousel

                                                        Carousel - Graphics

Today as part go the carousel we were working with Alan Figg in graphic design. He taught us the basics of many different tools that people would use in that field. 


F = fit the screen 
Tab key = hides toolbar
Hold spacebar = you can click and drag
Command0 = fits the screen
Cmd -/+ = zoom in and zoom out 
Copy = Cmd C
Paste = Cmd V
Cmd T = change size of image

Non destructive editing - means that you create layers to cover the image instead of altering it directly

Using photoshop - double exposure task 

We were asked to find a large image of a tree off of the internet and a face. We had to find these to be able to photoshop them together as a creatively enhanced image. 

I then cut around the picture of the face to eliminate the background of the image. If I did not do this then the picture would not fit nicely  onto the background in the stages to come.

Then I changed the size and opacity. This meant that the face was able to blend into the background of the tree a lot more seamlessly. I also made sure to use the rubber tool to blur the edges around the mans head to only continue to make it look more realistic and effective.


Illustrator is not dependent on pixels unlike photoshop

We used an image of someone to make a digitally animated version of their eye. We did this by using the pen tool to trace the outline of the part of the eye that we wanted to replicate. 

This was my first attempt
The first way of going about the task was very difficult so I decided to create the eye with singular lines. This worked out to be a lot more easy. Also in my opinion it was very effective.

Maya 3D

It is a 3D modelling and animation application

Alt plus drag = rotates 
Ctrl and alt = zoom in/out
Cmd z = undo tool
We had to select a sphere
Then I set the sphere to move on different time intervals.
The time intervals meant that I was starting to create an animation of the sphere moving and changing in size. Then when you were to press the play the ball would be animated and would be able to move and change shape. 


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