Review of first media assignment - Short Film

Short Film Review

Last week we were assigned the task of filming and making a one minute film. The genre of this film had to be crime. We were put into groups randomly and were given a small camera. Then we set about actually filming what we needed to edit our film later on.Our group decided that we were going to make our film about a stalker/murderer. 

Our filming group was split up when we got organized into 2 different classes. I was the only one of my Group B. This meant that when it came to editing our film Harley joined me to help me get it done which was a massive help. The software we used in order to edit our film was Adobe Premiere Pro. I had no experience with this prior to the task meaning that I had to try and get to know the basics of the application.  

The outcome of our short film was a lot different than we had first anticipated. This is because we realized that if we were to make the film more interesting for the class to watch, we'd have to make it comedic in some way. We added a Michael Myers mask over the stalker character and edited so that it followed their face. Also, we used a lot of sound effects and music to add to the effect.

Through doing the task, I have learnt how to edit in many different ways. For example I can now change the colour of the footage, how to download and insert sound effects and how to change the speeds of the video. I only wish to improve on this more as I use the software in the future.


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