First Week Carousel Evaluation

Carousel - Graphics Evidence

as part go the carousel we were working with Alan Figg in graphic design. He taught us the basics of many different tools that people would use in that field.


We were asked to find a large image of a tree off of the internet and a face. We had to find these to be able to photoshop them together as a creatively enhanced image. 

I then cut around the picture of the face to eliminate the background of the image. If I did not do this then the picture would not fit nicely  onto the background in the stages to come.

Then I changed the size and opacity. This meant that the face was able to blend into the background of the tree a lot more seamlessly. I also made sure to use the rubber tool to blur the edges around the mans head to only continue to make it look more realistic and effective.


We used an image of someone to make a digitally animated version of their eye. We did this by using the pen tool to trace the outline of the part of the eye that we wanted to replicate. Though I found this task very difficult so I was instructed to create the eye with many singular lines. This worked out to be a lot more easy. I also think it was very effective.


Maya is a 3D modelling and animation application. On this software we were firstly asked to select a sphere shape. We then had to set the sphere to move at different time intervals. The time intervals meant that I was starting to create an animation of the sphere moving and changing in size. Then when you were to press the play the ball would be animated and would be able to move and change shape. 

Research Sources



Tools I used throughout the week:
  • iMac - I used an iMac a lot of the time for many different tasks. Firstly in class we had to get our blogs up and running so that we can post things like this over the span of the entire course. Also I had to use it for lots of different applications such as; Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya and Premier Pro. This meant that this tool was very useful and helpful. Without it we would no have been able to complete all of the tasks as quickly and as easily. I could improve the use of this tool by learning more about the different programmes installed on them to see if there are any apps better for the certain task I am trying to do.
  • Audio recorder- I used an audio recorder to record sound effects to edit into a silent version of the shower scene in the film Psycho. This was because, as a class, we were leaning about Folley and how to effectively recreate realistic sound. This tool was effective because I was able to record high quality sound effects. If I were to improve my use of this tool I would switch it to the manual setting and turn up the sensitivity so any background noise is not as obvious.
  • Maya - Also, I used the Maya application. I used this whilst doing the Graphics session wit Adam. It allowed me to make animations and is used widely to create CGI for film. I had never used anything quite like Maya before which meant that I found it very hard to use. This meant that my outcome was not as good as I would have hoped. I could improve my use of the tool by practicing using it more.
  • Adobe Photoshop - I used Photoshop to edit my picture of the mans face onto the tree. At first some of the commands of the application confused me and therefore threw me off a bit. But with using the program for longer I was able to come to terms with it more and it became easier.
  • Adobe illustrator - This is the application that I was asked to use in order to create the eye in a digital manner. This was not as effective as it could have been. This is because I found it very difficult to create an accurate shape of the eye in the small amount of time we had for this specific task. 


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