Stuart Sound Evaluation

We had to create and find audio for our interactive films. We went about this by planning audio that corresponds to my script in a cue sheet. By doing so I was able to see exactly what sounds were needed and what they specifically would add to my production. Once my cue sheet was filled in my group and I had to actually record our foley sounds for the production. We used a handheld audio recorder for this. Personally, I only needed one sound which was a screaming sound.  Once this stage was complete we had to make a soundbank to hold all of our sound effects.  I also had to write a report on the audio in a TV show and a film; considering the atmosphere, impact, and format of the sound effects and music within them.

Both my audio and soundtrack reports helped me to produce my own soundtrack as I was able to see and therefore pick out audio that was successful in professionally made productions. I chose the TV show, Black Mirror, and the film, Pretty Woman. The successful attributes of these productions' meant that we were able to see what audio is good for films like the ones that we are creating. The things that I found worked well were realistic noises. The main soundtrack technique in which I picked up from these tasks were that the tempo of the music coincided with that of the mood that is trying to be accomplished.

Looking into audio has made me realise just how important the use of sound is. My production only really needed one sound effect as a lot of the scenes were purely just speech this meant that the application of my knowledge was somewhat limited. In the future, I would like to experiment more with both foley and found footage sound effects.


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