Stefan Film Evaluation

The brief we were given at the beginning of the term was that we had to create an interactive short film. All of the groups were given different titles for our films Along with this we had to make sure that we also made a suitable website for the promotional side of our production.  For the production we had to work in small groups. Each member had to come up with an alternate ending. We then had to put these together and you could choose the outcome. The title given to us was very vague which was good for us because it meant that we were able to have freedom in our ideas. We could pretty much take it in any direction. As a group we decided to make the film about a group of close friends that are getting blackmailed via texts sent by an anonymous source. They get asked to do tasks for the anonymous source and have to suffer consequences if they do not deliver these tasks.

Analysing the videos at the very start of the unit was very beneficial because we were able to look at examples of interactive films. We could see what worked well in films of this genre and the general format of them. It also allowed me to think more about different possible choices as I was watching other people's films. After we looked at the examples we were asked to create a test interactive film. Creating the test interactive production before the main one helped me to grasp exactly how the genre works. This is because as a group we were able to think about lots of different interactions for the first time.

The filming technique that I researched the most was camera angles. This is because I think that it is something that improves a film drastically. There are many different shot types that I found. The ones that intrigue me the most would have to be the high angle shot and the establishing shot. Though it was very hard to include this in my interactive film. In my film, I used a long shot as the characters are walking closer to the camera. I think this was effective because feels as though you are more emerged in the production as the characters are walking towards the camera.

I also looked at editing techniques for my interactive film. Previously, I was not the best at editing so I decided to look at the basics in order to improve my overall skills. These were things like cutting and changing the sounds of clips. I also researched how to create titles in Adobe Premiere Pro. This was for both the Title at the beginning of the clip and for the parts where the viewer can choose an option. This meant that my production flowed a lot better and looked more professional.


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