Chris Evaluation

For the website we created for our interactive production 'The Game' we applied a lot of thought into the designing process.  Although we tried to make it look as professional as possible it is still very different to the ones that I researched at the beginning of the term. The things that are comparable are the use of colour, the properties pages that we included and also the layout. Our website was not as effective as it could be for promoting our film as a professional one. At the beginning of the term I looked at The Darkest Hour's live website. That specific website has a lot more features than ours which would work in order to advertise our film. For example on theirs they have a gallery of stills from the production and a lot of behind the scenes footage. If we had longer then these would be very beneficial to add to ours as they would mean that general intrigue surrounding our interactive film would be increased. Although our website has a logo and the professional one does not.  Looking at sites like the one for The Darkest Hour was very useful though because it meant that we were able to find features that we liked and would also be useful for us.  

For our website we decided to use dark colours. This is because the genre of our film is thriller so the theme is also generally dark. Our logo is also black for this reason. If it were bright then it would send out the wrong messages to anyone viewing it of what out film is going to be like.


The audience of our website so far said that we need to change the colour scheme and we have since changed this. The pictures love are from before we changed the colour scheme. Another comment that we received was that we needed to add more features. In the time limit were sadly not able to act on this but we would have if we did. This would have improved the promotion of our film significantly. 

The planning of our films website was crucial for the creation of our website. This is because we were able to voice our thoughts and opinions. In reflection we should have used this time more wisely and have spent more time on it. If we had it would have allowed us to make best use of the time we had. Although, the thing about planning that was useful would have to be the accumulation of ideas we gathered primarily.  


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