
Showing posts from March, 2018

Task 3a for Peter

The narrative theories that I looked into a while back (Propp's Character Theory, Todorov's Narrative Theory, The Hero's Journey, Binary Oppositions) have informed the development of my characters and storyline of my interactive film. The theory that I think is the most relevant to my film would have to be Todorov's Narrative Theory. This is because this particular theory states that a character/character's start off in a state of normalcy; something then comes along and disturbs this serenity. My interactive film is about a small group of friends that attend college and live a fairly average life until they start receiving text messages from an anonymous source. The messages blackmail are the friends into doing tasks for them. I think that my film abiding by the conventions of this theory is important to convey how bad the situation is compared to the characters normal.  My film does not really conform to the codes and conventions of Propp's Character Theory th

Stefan Film Evaluation

The brief we were given at the beginning of the term was that we had to create an interactive short film. All of the groups were given different titles for our films Along with this we had to make sure that we also made a suitable website for the promotional side of our production.  For the production we had to work in small groups. Each member had to come up with an alternate ending. We then had to put these together and you could choose the outcome. The title given to us was very vague which was good for us because it meant that we were able to have freedom in our ideas. We could pretty much take it in any direction. As a group we decided to make the film about a group of close friends that are getting blackmailed via texts sent by an anonymous source. They get asked to do tasks for the anonymous source and have to suffer consequences if they do not deliver these tasks. Analysing the videos at the very start of the unit was very beneficial because we were able to look at examples

Chris Evaluation

Image For the website we created for our interactive production 'The Game' we applied a lot of thought into the designing process.  Although we tried to make it look as professional as possible it is still very different to the ones that I researched at the beginning of the term. The things that are comparable are the use of colour, the properties pages that we included and also the layout. Our website was not as effective as it could be for promoting our film as a professional one. At the beginning of the term I looked at The Darkest Hour's live website. That specific website has a lot more features than ours which would work in order to advertise our film. For example on theirs they have a gallery of stills from the production and a lot of behind the scenes footage. If we had longer then these would be very beneficial to add to ours as they would mean that general intrigue surrounding our interactive film would be increased. Althou

Stuart Sound Evaluation

We had to create and find audio for our interactive films. We went about this by planning audio that corresponds to my script in a cue sheet. By doing so I was able to see exactly what sounds were needed and what they specifically would add to my production. Once my cue sheet was filled in my group and I had to actually record our foley sounds for the production. We used a handheld audio recorder for this. Personally, I only needed one sound which was a screaming sound.  Once this stage was complete we had to make a soundbank to hold all of our sound effects.  I also had to write a report on the audio in a TV show and a film; considering the atmosphere, impact, and format of the sound effects and music within them. Both my audio and soundtrack reports helped me to produce my own soundtrack as I was able to see and therefore pick out audio that was successful in professionally made productions. I chose the TV show, Black Mirror, and the film, Pretty Woman. The successful attributes of