
Showing posts from September, 2017

Gif Creating



Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: Critically compare a range of media 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer: Blog

Carousel Week 2

BIC Advert Task Today as a class, we had to create a one minute long advert for the BIC 4 colour pens. We had the whole of today's lessons available to  come up with ideas, pitch our ideas to the rest of the group, get our assigned roles and to shoot the live edit in our roles. My designated role was to create the graphic text that was to appear at the end of the advert. I also ended up recording the advert whilst the others did their own jobs. I used Photoshop to design the text image. Although it ended up better than I thought it would, if I were to do the task again I would like to make use of more of the features on Photoshop because this would allow me to develop my skills further.

First Week Carousel Evaluation

Carousel - Graphics Evidence as part go the carousel we were working with Alan Figg in graphic design. He taught us the basics of many different tools that people would use in that field. Photoshop: We were asked to find a large image of a tree off of the internet and a face. We had to find these to be able to photoshop them together as a creatively enhanced image.  I then cut around the picture of the face to eliminate the background of the image. If I did not do this then the picture would not fit nicely  onto the background in the stages to come. Then I changed the size and opacity. This meant that the face was able to blend into the background of the tree a lot more seamlessly. I also made sure to use the rubber tool to blur the edges around the mans head to only continue to make it look more realistic and effective. Illustrator: We used an image of someone to make a digitally animated version of their eye. We did this by using the pen tool to trace the

Review of first media assignment - Short Film

Short Film Review Last week we were assigned the task of filming and making a one minute film. The genre of this film had to be crime. We were put into groups randomly and were given a small camera. Then we set about actually filming what we needed to edit our film later on.Our group decided that we were going to make our film about a stalker/murderer.  Our filming group was split up when we got organized into 2 different classes. I was the only one of my Group B. This meant that when it came to editing our film Harley joined me to help me get it done which was a massive help. The software we used in order to edit our film was Adobe Premiere Pro. I had no experience with this prior to the task meaning that I had to try and get to know the basics of the application.   The outcome of our short film was a lot different than we had first anticipated. This is because we realized that if we were to make the film more interesting for the class to watch, we'd have to

Graphic Design - Carousel

                                                        Carousel - Graphics Today as part go the carousel we were working with Alan Figg in graphic design. He taught us the basics of many different tools that people would use in that field.  Photoshop F = fit the screen  Tab key = hides toolbar Hold spacebar = you can click and drag Command0 = fits the screen Cmd -/+ = zoom in and zoom out  Copy = Cmd C Paste = Cmd V Cmd T = change size of image Non destructive editing - means that you create layers to cover the image instead of altering it directly Using photoshop - double exposure task  We were asked to find a large image of a tree off of the internet and a face. We had to find these to be able to photoshop them together as a creatively enhanced image.  I then cut around the picture of the face to eliminate the background of the image. If I did not do this then the picture would not fit nicely  onto the background in the stages to come.