
Showing posts from April, 2018

Task 3B - Media Texts Comparison

Comparing the film 'Get Out' to my film 'The Game' The characters in my film are not very similar to those in Get Out. This is because my characters are teenagers and are generally pretty relatable for the target demographic. In contrast to this, the characters from Get Out are intense and mysterious which creates a completely different feel. Rosie is shown to be very manipulative though which can be related to that of the person that blackmails people in my film. Chris from the film Get Out does, in fact, have similar motivations as the group of friends from my film. This is because he is determined to defeat the villains within the narrative and so are the friends. They would do anything in order to restore the peace. Rosie from Get Out would be the villain from Propp's character theory whereas Chris is the hero and also the 'princess'. Rod though (Chris' friend) would fit the role of the hero even more as he is the one that actually saves his bes

FMP Plan - Pay Fairly

I am going to need a presenter for my film.