
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Game Website analysis

For our website we decided to use dark colours. This is because the genre of our film is thriller so the theme is also generally dark. Our logo is also black for this reason. If it were bright then it would send out the wrong messages to anyone viewing it of what out film is going to be like. My website currently has a home page with he films title on it and the logo is large and clear. It also has

Genre of our film

Genre = Horror comedy Evil Dead 2 Shaun of the dead Gremlins Conventions of movies of this genre: Normally have a character that has give-up with life

Report on Contexts

For the past few weeks alongside planning the short films we are going to produce In I have been doing contextual research into what makes a good interactive film. This has been very beneficial towards the creation of my own film because it means that I have become more aware of what aspects work well in this specific type of film. The first piece of research that we did into this was on genre codes and conventions. Establishing genre is a very important part of creating a film. This is because you need to have a clear idea of what type of film you want to make before anything else. Also because it categorizes the film. As my group was given the title of 'The Game' my group and I decided that our interactive film should be dark and twisted. It is about a group of friends that are blackmailed into doing various tasks for an anonymous person over text. Therefore I thought that the genre that would best fit would be a thriller. The codes and conventions of a thriller, in my opinio

Podcast on Audio in

Navigation Planning

As part of planning our website for our production, I planned the navigation bar. I started by making a bubble which said Home. I then branched off with all of the different pages I wanted to include on our site. These included things like cast and crew, a gallery with pictures and exclusive behind the scenes clips and also social media links.

picture for website
